Susan Fischer Copple
Experienced and Affordable Family History Researcher and lecturer
Rainshadow Genealogy
Professional Genealogist
Sweet Home, Oregon
United States
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
- Speaking / Presenting
Family History Research
- Document Retrieval / Record Agent
- Dual Citizenship
- Family History Research
- Immigration / Naturalization
- Tutor / Coach
- Adoption / Unknown Parentage
- Tutor / Coach
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Technology
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
Other Speciality
- Dual Citizenship
- Forensic Research
- Heir & Probate Search
- Handwriting / Palaeography
Susan Fischer Copple is a fourth-generation Oregonian and has over 40 years of personal and client genealogy research experience. Susan spent 25 years as a director of information technology, a software developer, a project manager, and a technical writer. Susan graduated from Boston University with a Certificate in Genealogical Research, and she has completed many continuing education classes concerning genealogical research. She is a member of the National Genealogy Society, the Utah Genealogy Society, the Seattle Genealogy Society, the Daughters of American Revolution, the Families in British India Society, and the Genealogical Forum of Oregon. She owns Rainshadow Genealogy, and provides research services for family history research, DNA analysis, probate and heir search, forensic genealogy (including adoption research), record retrieval, genealogical organization, and Czech Archives research, as well as lectures on many genealogical topics. Susan adheres to the Genealogy Standards and Ethics the Board of Certification of Genealogists set forth. Initial consults are always free of charge.
Continuing Education:
BU: Genealogical Principles (2018)
BU: Certificate for Genealogical Research (2018) (OL28)
NGS: Genetic Genealogy, Autosomal DNA (2018)
NGS: American Genealogical Studies (2017-2018)
SLIG: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy (2019)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: DNA and the 21st Century Professional (2019)
GRIP: Mastering Genealogical Documentation (2020)
IGHR: Writing and Publishing for Genealogists (2020)
ProGen Study Group: Completion Certificate (2020) (ProGen 44)
SLIG: Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence: Case Studies Illustrate Sound Research Strategies and Decision- Making (2021)
SLIG: Pre-1937 English Research: Digging Deeper (2021)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: Teaching Genealogy Classes in Your Community (2021)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy (2021)
GRIP: Beyond Fundamentals: Hands-on Forensic Genealogy (2021)
IGHR: Irish Genealogical Research & Methodology (2021)
SLIG: Gothic Script and Fraktur: Reading Records of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic, plus German-American Church Books and Newspapers (2022)
NGSQ Study Group (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
SLIG: Advanced Genealogical Methods (2023)
IGHR: Scotland Research: The Fundamentals and Beyond (2023)
ProGen 61 Coordinator (2022-2023)
NEHGS: Research trip to Scotland (2023)
GRIP: Ireland and Northern Ireland Genealogical Research Pt II (2024)
IGHR: Understanding Land Records (2024)
GRIP: Proving Kinship Reliably with or without DNA (2024)
SLIG: BCG Certification: Understanding and Meeting Standards (2025)
Geographic Specialties
OR, WA, CA, ID, WI, NY, Pacific Northwest, Portland, Seattle, Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland, England, Canada
Continuing Education:
BU: Genealogical Principles (2018)
BU: Certificate for Genealogical Research (2018) (OL28)
NGS: Genetic Genealogy, Autosomal DNA (2018)
NGS: American Genealogical Studies (2017-2018)
SLIG: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy (2019)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: DNA and the 21st Century Professional (2019)
GRIP: Mastering Genealogical Documentation (2020)
IGHR: Writing and Publishing for Genealogists (2020)
ProGen Study Group: Completion Certificate (2020) (ProGen 44)
SLIG: Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence: Case Studies Illustrate Sound Research Strategies and Decision- Making (2021)
SLIG: Pre-1937 English Research: Digging Deeper (2021)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: Teaching Genealogy Classes in Your Community (2021)
SLIG Academy for Professionals: Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy (2021)
GRIP: Beyond Fundamentals: Hands-on Forensic Genealogy (2021)
IGHR: Irish Genealogical Research & Methodology (2021)
SLIG: Gothic Script and Fraktur: Reading Records of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic, plus German-American Church Books and Newspapers (2022)
NGSQ Study Group (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
SLIG: Advanced Genealogical Methods (2023)
IGHR: Scotland Research: The Fundamentals and Beyond (2023)
ProGen 61 Coordinator (2022-2023)
NEHGS: Research trip to Scotland (2023)
GRIP: Ireland and Northern Ireland Genealogical Research Pt II (2024)
IGHR: Understanding Land Records (2024)
GRIP: Proving Kinship Reliably with or without DNA (2024)
SLIG: BCG Certification: Understanding and Meeting Standards (2025)
Geographic Specialties
OR, WA, CA, ID, WI, NY, Pacific Northwest, Portland, Seattle, Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland, England, Canada
Creating Source Citations; Using for Effective Research; Making Sense of Census Records; Organization of Digital and Paper Documentation; Genealogy for Beginners: Breaking Down Brick Walls: Methods for Best Practices; Case Studies for Obscure Records.
Creating Source Citations; Using for Effective Research; Making Sense of Census Records; Organization of Digital and Paper Documentation; Genealogy for Beginners: Breaking Down Brick Walls: Methods for Best Practices; Case Studies for Obscure Records.
Research Time Periods
- 21st Century
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- 17th Century
Certificate in Genealogical Research (Boston University)
Certificate in Genealogical Research (Boston University)
Associate of Science (Computer Science)
Certificate of Genealogical Research - Boston University
Associate of Science (Computer Science)
Certificate of Genealogical Research - Boston University