
Dr. Sarah J. Price Rosen

Molecular Geneticist, Investigative Genetic Genealogist, Historical Researcher, Family Genealogy
Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics, LLC
CEO, Molecular Geneticist, Investigative Genetic Genealogist, and Lead Educational Consultant
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
United States

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Heraldry / Lineage Societies
  • Immigration / Naturalization
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Investigative Genetic Genealogy
  • Law Enforcement
  • Tutor / Coach

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Technology
  • Writing & Publishing
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer

  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Military Repatriation
  • Photograph Analysis
  • Handwriting / Palaeography

Looking into your family history can be one of the most exciting and soul-satisfying experiences. We are who we are because of the people who came before us, all those men and women who are part of our DNA. 

Would you like to use DNA evidence in your genealogy research? Do you have thousands of cousin matches, but no idea what to do next? Perhaps you have found some evidence to support your theories, but are not confident in your conclusions. Do you have a family mystery that needs solving?

Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics, LLC,  offers a number of services including family history research, genetic genealogy, adoption resolution, heir and probate research, family tree research, and family biographies. We use both conventional and state-of-the art tools to reconstruct family histories and resolve issues of adoption and paternity in a private setting.

Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics LLC provides help in breaking down brick walls in your own family research. With access to multiple databases, both genetic and archival, we can start your family research or verify your own genealogical research. We are happy to assist you with your own family research by giving you suggestions on next steps, acquisition of primary source documents, or interpreting legal documents. We provide detailed histories of families using oral interviews, historical records, genetic analysis, and other records to demonstrate kinship and create an accurate, thoroughly researched, family tree.

Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics LLC is an expanding business with experts that can help in the investigation of unknown paternity, adoption research (USA and International) and the identification of unidentified human remains. We are also equipped to help law enforcement using F/IGG to provide investigative leads for the apprehension of criminals who have committed violent crimes. We offer case management and collaboration with accredited laboratories and bioinformatics solutions.

We understand that there is great personal and emotional value in learning about your heritage. At Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics LLC, we do not take this for granted.  We value client privacy and do not publish your ancestry on international databases. We work for you and we never show your documents or reports to anyone without your written permission. 

We believe it is your story to tell.

Our mission at Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genomics, LLC, is to connect clients with their past; provide high quality, professional research services; share our skills and expertise acquired through continuing education and years of research experience; stimulate interest in the field of genealogy and offer assistance to anyone compiling a family history or looking for a missing loved one.

Our vision is to help people connect with their past and tell the stories of their heritage; to promote education in the area of family history; to be a client-focused company while also being committed to business success; and advance genealogy through innovation and technology.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a FREE 1-hour consultation vis phone or Zoom. We would love to hear your story and help you tell your family's unique and fascinating history.

Dr. Sarah J. Price Rosen is the CEO and Founder of Cypher Genealogy & Investigative Genetics, LLC. She has a PhD in Molecular Genetics from the Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, WV, where she identified a gene that, when mutated, causes Polycystic Kidney Disease. She also has completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Molecular Genetics at the Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. Recently, Dr. Rosen earned a certificate in Investigative Genetic Genealogy from Ramapo College of New Jersey. A rigorous 15-week course where the last five weeks were performing casework to identify human remains. Less than 300 individuals globally have earned a certificate in Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy.  She has also performed hundreds of hours of continuing education in traditional genealogy as well as genetic genealogy. She is an expert in the use of autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-DNA to solve genealogical mysteries and breakdown brick walls. She has also performed thousands of hours of traditional genealogy and genetic genealogy client casework. With almost 15 years of genealogical experience, Dr. Rosen is a tenacious researcher and has a history of solving difficult genealogical and genetic problems. Dr. Rosen has a special interest in African American, Jewish, Appalachian and Scottish/English/Welsh genealogy. 

No case is too small or too big for Cypher Genealogy and Investigative Genomics, LLC. We pride ourselves in serving individuals, families, and law enforcement. 

Northeastern United States; Midatlantic United States, Southern United States, Caribbean, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Russia, Baltic countries, Spain

I couldn't believe how much Cypher Genealogy was able to find out about my Jewish ancestry in Poland. For the first time I was able to see the ship's manifest with my grandfather's name on it!"-Maureen, 67

"I was amazed at the level of thoroughness given in researching and documenting my family history. The narrative report and family tree were stunning. "-Nick, 53

genetic genealogy, IGG, FIGG, Family History Research, DNA testing, adoption, paternity, MPE, NPE

Bouvrette, DJ*, Price, SJ* and Bryda, EC. K homology domains of the mouse polycystic kidney disease related protein, Bicaudal-C (Bicc1), mediate RNA-binding in vitro. Nephron Exp Nephol. 2008;108(1):e27-34. Epub 2008 Jan. 8. (*co-authors); Xin-li Huang, Maria Isabel de Michelena, Hon Fong L. Mark, Rachel Harston, Paul J. Benke, Sarah J. Price, and Aubrey Milunsky (2005) Characterization of an Analphoid Supernumerary Marker Chromosome with a Neocentromere Derived from 15q25>qter Using High Resolution CGH and Multiplex FISH Analyses. Clinical Genetics. 68:513-519; Cogswell, C*., Price, S.J.*, Xiaoying, H., Guay-Woodford, L.M, Flaherty, L., and Bryda, E.C. (2003) Positional Cloning of jcpk/bpk Locus of the Mouse. Mammalian Genome. 14:242-249. (* co- authors); Price, S.J., Chittenden, L.R, Flaherty, L., O?Dell, B., Guay-Woodford, L.M, Stubbs, L., and Bryda, E.C. (2002) Characterization of the Region Containing the jcpk PKD Gene on Mouse Chromo- some 10. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 99:61-66.; Price, S.J. and Sokolik, C. (1994) Interpretation of Stochastic Evolutionary Processes Utilizing the Selectively Neutral Microsatellite Locus MAF33 In Two Populations of Odocoileus virgini- anus. Denison University Journal of Science. 28(2), 53-65.

Genograms: Discovering Your Family Medical History", Historical Society of Pennsylvania, February 15, 2022

I am able to acquire records in most US states as well as international document sources

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier


Bachelor of Science (Biology and Chemistry), Denison University, Granville, OH
Doctorate of Philosophy (Molecular Genetics), Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, WV
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Molecular Genetics, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Certificate in Investigative Genetic Genealogy, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Ramapo, NJ

Certificate in Serial and Pattern Crime Investigation - NCJTC
Certificate in Enhancing Investigations Through Genetic Genealogy - NCJTC

Investigative Genetic Genealogy, Ramapo College of New Jersey

NGS, NEHGS, APG, DAR, Genealogist United, Society of Genealogists, DNA Detectives, Genealogy Linked, Genealogy: Beyond the Brick Walls, Genealogical and Historical Research, Life Science Network

Post-doctorate Fellowship in Clinical Molecular Genetics, Boston University School of Medicine; PhD Molecular Genetics; Marshall University School of Medicine; BS Biology and Chemistry, Denison University.