Robert M. Wilbanks IV
Ancestral Pride: Professional Genealogy Services
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
- Speaking / Presenting
Family History Research
- Family History Research
- Military
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Available for in-person events
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- Author/Writer
- Editor
Other Speciality
- Document Translation
- House Historian / Local History
Robert Martin Wilbanks IV is a long-time genealogist who discovered genealogyat the age of 12 with the advent of the television mini-series Roots in January 1977. Having been interested in history since the 4th grade, with Roots he realized how he personally connects to the“Great American Experience” through his ancestors. He instantly became a fervent genealogist,and considers Alex Haley the most influential person in his life. With much library research experience before entering college, working in libraries was a natural direction for him. He earned a library para-professional degree, as well as a B.A. in History. Since 1982 he has been working in Community College libraries, city libraries, a law library, business library and currently works in a medical school library as Library Manager. Robert began his genealogy profession in 1988 as editor and publisher of two family newsletters, followed by authoring and self-publishing several books, and then became editor of a genealogy society newsletter, and a quarterly. In the late 1990s he wrote a genealogy column for the Desert Shamrock, a Phoenix Irish bi-monthly publication. Robert gave his first genealogy presentation in 1989 speaking continuously ever since. Throughout the1990s he was involved in many local genealogy societies and attended many local seminars and National conferences. He helped start the East Valley, Tempe and Scottsdale Chapters of the Family History Society of Arizona, holding the office of President for the latter for two years. He also chartered two local chapters of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, holding the office of Commander for 5 years. And he is a charter member of the Barry M.Goldwater Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. He attended the annual one week program of the Institute of Genealogy and History at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama from 1989 to 1991, learning sophisticated genealogical research and analysis; techniques he strongly encourages and practices today. Now a professional genealogist for over 40 years, he founded Ancestral Pride: Professional Genealogy Services in 2009 and continues speaking, researching, writing, and has developed several websites. For a few years he had regularly taught an 8-week beginning genealogy course for the City of Phoenix, and later also taught a 6-week beginning Irish-American genealogy course for the Irish Cultural Center in Phoenix. In the Fall of 2024, he became the Consultant Professional Genealogist for the McClelland Library of the Phoenix Irish Cultural Center. Robert is a member of a multitude of genealogical societies in Arizona, as well as in various southeastern and Atlantic states. He is also a member of three notable nationally recognized genealogical organizations: National Genealogical Society, Association of ProfessionalGenealogists and the Genealogical Speakers’ Guild. He is a past President of the Arizona Councilof Professional Genealogists, 2015-2019. And he is the past Chief Genealogist and Historian for The Caledonian Society of Arizona, 2016-2021, and was an elected Trustee on the Board of Directors for that Organization. Robert’s most noted areas of expertise are United States military history and records, the American Civil War, the Old South and Colonial Virginia, general United States history and genealogy, and genealogy and history of the British Isles, with some research experience in Canada, Germany, Poland and the historic Bohemian region of the Czech Republic.
The History of a Southern Family , 1984; Milam Roots, 1988-2000; Wil(l)banks Trees, 1989-2000; United States Military Records: A General Overview, 1993; The Family History Society Newsletter, Editor 1988-1992; Family Connections: The Quarterly of the Family History Society of Arizona, Editor 1992-1995; The Desert Shamrock, Columnist 1997-2001; Virginia - The First 100 Years, 2006; Migrations of the Virginians, 2006; The Nels S. Christensen and Mary Madsen Family History : From Denmark to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 2024.
The History of a Southern Family , 1984; Milam Roots, 1988-2000; Wil(l)banks Trees, 1989-2000; United States Military Records: A General Overview, 1993; The Family History Society Newsletter, Editor 1988-1992; Family Connections: The Quarterly of the Family History Society of Arizona, Editor 1992-1995; The Desert Shamrock, Columnist 1997-2001; Virginia - The First 100 Years, 2006; Migrations of the Virginians, 2006; The Nels S. Christensen and Mary Madsen Family History : From Denmark to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 2024.
United States Military Records: A General Overview; Civil War Genealogy; Civil War History: Facts and Stats for Genealogists; The Constitution of the United States of America: A Historical Overview; Understanding Research Facilities: Genealogy Research Anywhere; Getting Organized: Your First Priority; Lesser Known Genealogical Resources: Great New Potential; Always Learning: Networking, Education & Societies; Researching the Passed: Death Records & Cemeteries; Faith of Our Fathers: Church Resources in Genealogy
United States Military Records: A General Overview; Civil War Genealogy; Civil War History: Facts and Stats for Genealogists; The Constitution of the United States of America: A Historical Overview; Understanding Research Facilities: Genealogy Research Anywhere; Getting Organized: Your First Priority; Lesser Known Genealogical Resources: Great New Potential; Always Learning: Networking, Education & Societies; Researching the Passed: Death Records & Cemeteries; Faith of Our Fathers: Church Resources in Genealogy
Research Time Periods
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- 17th Century
The Family History Society of Arizona, 1988-present; National Genealogical Society; The Association of Professional Genealogists; The Arizona Council of Professional Genealogists, 2004-present, President 2015-present; The Virginia Genealogical Society; The Laurens District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Anderson County Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Old Pendleton District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Laurens County Museum Association, Laurens, South Carolina; Sons of the American Revolution; Sons of Confederate Veterans; The Kay Family Association; The Paisley and Allied Families Society
The Family History Society of Arizona, 1988-present; National Genealogical Society; The Association of Professional Genealogists; The Arizona Council of Professional Genealogists, 2004-present, President 2015-present; The Virginia Genealogical Society; The Laurens District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Anderson County Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Old Pendleton District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society; The Laurens County Museum Association, Laurens, South Carolina; Sons of the American Revolution; Sons of Confederate Veterans; The Kay Family Association; The Paisley and Allied Families Society
Bachelor of Arts (History), Associate of Applied Science (Library Technology), Associate of Arts (General Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (History), Associate of Applied Science (Library Technology), Associate of Arts (General Studies)