
Pam Ricciardi Paschke

Discovering New Ancestors with DNA and the paper-trail way
Boca Raton, Florida

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • DNA
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer
Solving family mysteries and reuniting descendants to their ancestral heritage are my genealogical passions.  Discovering previously unknown relationships often involves analysis of DNA – one of my favorite research tools.

I have been researching family history since I was a teenager (decades ago). My experience spans from colonial America to the 1900s, especially in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and the mid-Atlantic, southeastern, and mid-western states.  

I have researched on-site at many county courthouses, state archives, historical societies, and state libraries, as well as at the Family History Center in Salt Lake City and the US National Archives.

But, I am especially excited with how DNA can extend our ancestral connections. I am an administrator of four DNA projects at FamilyTreeDNA, and administer kits at all four major DNA testing companies.   Confused? I can help.

I conduct research in the U.S. as well as using the archives of Alsace and Italy available on-line. I can also serve as your genealogical research coach and guide to help you discover your own family history.

So, whether you want someone to conduct your research for you, or guide you to get started or in tackling a problem you have encountered in your research, I would enjoy working with you!

I also speak on various genealogy topics (including DNA analysis) to local, regional, and national genealogical and historical societies. I am happy to tailor a talk for your group.

My book The South Precinct of Dutchess County New York 1740-1790 (© 2018) includes tax, militia, and tenant lists of the period, along with custom maps revealing occupants of many farm lots of the 1750s-1770s in the area now encompassed in Putnam County, NY.
One of my recent articles is "The Fuller Family of Redenhall, Norfolk, England: Initial Report on the Fuller Big Y DNA Project" in the Mayflower Descendant journal, Summer 2022.

Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New England, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Ontario, Italy

Thanks again for your help! You are a hero to me. Truly!!!" - J.S.
"Thank you for helping me to locate a family that I have always wanted to know about." - D.K.

Big-Y DNA, Alsace, Sicily, Calabria, Matricula-online

The South Precinct of Dutchess County New York 1740-1790 : divided into Philipse, Fredricksburgh, and South East Precincts in 1772, renamed Philipse, Fredericks, and South-East Towns in 1788, containing present-day Putnam County New York. (c) 2018. I also have authored articles for the NYG&BS Researcher, the Maryland Genealogical Society Journal, the Mayflower Descendant journal, and other genealogical publications.

I lecture at local genealogical and historical societies and have presented lectures at the NYSFHC, NERGC, and National Genealogical Society conferences, and the North Florida Genealogical Conference.

antenati.san.beniculturali.it (Italian Archives on-line), Matricula-online.eu (mostly German churches), archives.bas-rhin.fr (on-line archives of Alsace, France), FamilySearch.org, and major US on-line genealogical websites.

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century

National Genealogical Society Advanced Skills in Genealogy

Life member: National Genealogical Society and Ohio Genealogical Society. 
Past Treasurer of APG.
Member: NYGBS; NEHGS; Utah Genealogical Assn.; Penna., NC and Virginia Genealogical Societies; and First Families of Ohio.
Italian citizenship recognized in 2019, based upon DIY application.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Accounting), University of Florida