
Mattan Segev-Frank MA, BFA

Journey through time in Central European Jewish History with an Expert Genealogist
Mattan Segev-Frank's Genealogy Jungle
Historian, Genealogist and Storyteller

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing
  • Other Speciality

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer

  • Document Translation
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • House Historian / Local History
  • Oral Historian
I’m a Historian, Professional Genealogist and Storyteller, based in Vienna, Austria. With over 17 years of experience in Jewish genealogy, I am passionate about uncovering hidden stories, I compiled and maintain a comprehensive and intertwined database of over 71,000 individuals, primarily focused on Central European Jewish communities in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Romania, as well as Israel.

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) and the Hungarian Society for Family History Research (MACSE). Founder and co-Admin of the Facebook group “The Israeli Genealogy Hub”.
I hold a BFA in Film and Television and an MA in Jewish History from Tel Aviv University, graduating with honors in the Inter-University Program that specializes in Russian and Eastern European Studies. My BFA studies included Narratology, investigative research, and New Media, while my Master’s degree allowed me to deepen and broaden my expertise in Jewish history and genealogy of the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

My expertise includes tracing family lines, gathering historical documents, tracing living heirs, and creating personalized family histories. I'm dedicated to making genealogy an immersive experience and love guiding clients through their ancestral journeys, ensuring their connections to the past are not only documented but celebrated.

I offer my services to English- and Hebrew-speaking clients but can handle genealogical material in German (including older handwritten scripts), Hungarian, Slovak, Yiddish, and English.

Central Europe - Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania

Segev-Frank, Mattan. “Dr. Charles VS Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Duschinsky: Transformations in Jewish life in Europe through the Biography of Dr. Charles / Yaakov Koppel Duschinsky”. Tel Aviv, 2023. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13740.23682.

Segev-Frank, Mattan, “ר׳ דוד ליב ברד״ח, אשתו מ׳ מאטל לבית רייך בת רבי קאפל חריף אלטענקונשטאט - וצאציהם” (Rabbi David Leib Berdach and his wife Mattel neé Reich, daughter of Rabbi Koppel Charif Altenkunstadt, and their descendants( [online]. Alei Zikaron, Vol. 56. ‘Zikaron’ institute for the commemoration of Hungarian Jewry, Bnei Brak, April 2021. P. 32-43.

Segev-Frank, Mattan, “ר׳ משולם רייך בן הג״ר רבי קאפל חריף וצאציו” (Rabbi Meshullam Reich, son of Rabbi Koppel Charif, and his descendants( [online]. Alei Zikaron, Vol. 45. ‘Zikaron’ institute for the commemoration of Hungarian Jewry, Bnei Brak, March 2018. P. 25-33.
Segev-Frank, Mattan, “על משפחתו של הגרי״ח זוננפלד אב״ד ירושלים” (The family if Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, Av Beit Din Jerusalem.( [online]. Alei Zikaron, Vol. 43. ‘Zikaron’ institute for the commemoration of Hungarian Jewry, Bnei Brak, February 2018. P. 28-32.

Künstlicher, Moshe Alexander Züsha, Segev-Frank, Mattan & Goldstein, Yaakov, “לתולדות רבי משה בנימין זאב ליכטנשטרן, הרב מאורמין וצאצאיו” (The Rabbi of Urmeny, Rabbi Moshe Benjamin Ze’ev Lichtenstern, and his descendants). [online]. Alei Zikaron, Vol. 40. ‘Zikaron’ institute for the commemoration of Hungarian Jewry, Bnei Brak, November 2017. P. 49-58.


  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

Hebrew, English, German (B2 level). Can read genealogical material in Slovak, Hungarian, and Yiddish as well

  • 2021: Excellency Scholarship from Tel Aviv University's Department of Jewish History
  • 2020: Excellency Scholarship from Tel Aviv University's Department of Jewish History
  • 2020: The Moran Zafrir Prize for Outstanding Research
  • 2019: The Balaban-Glass Scholarship for outstanding applicants for master's Degree

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) - Licensed Genealogy Researcher
Member of the Hungarian Society for Family History Research (MACSE).

BFA in Film and Television, Tel Aviv University's Steve Tisch School of Film and Television
MA in Jewish History (Magna cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University's Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, graduated with honors in the Inter-University Program specializing in Russian and Eastern European Studies.