

BEFORE THE INK FADES...... Genealogy and Research Services
Professional Genealogist and Family Historian
EDH, California
United States

  • Family History Research
  • Writing /Publishing

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research
  • Immigration / Naturalization

  • Author/Writer
  • Graphic Designer

  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Heirlooms / Archivist
  • Oral Historian

Sobel-Ott, Mary (Producer / Presenter). (2021-Present) 'Before The Ink Fades-Chicago-Bowden/Egan/ Sobel Clan Story; The Journey of Our Ancestors',  Apple [Audio podcast], https://podcasts.apple.om/us/podcast/before-the-ink-fades-clan-history/id1502144880; 15 Episodes. WHERE TO LISTEN: Apple Breaker Google Podcasts Overcast Pocket Casts RadioPublic Anchor by Spotify

Sobel-Ott, Mary (Producer / Presenter) (2021-Present). 'Before The Ink Fades-Chicago-Bowden/Egan/ Sobel Clan Story; The Journey of Our Ancestors',  Apple [Audio podcast], https://podcasts.apple.om/us/podcast/before-the-ink-fades-clan-history/id1502144880; 15 Episodes.

Government Departments Public Libraries Local History Libraries and Archives University Libraries Archives and County Record Offices Specialist Libraries:Religious, Armed Forces and Occupational FamilySearch Centers The Internet Family History and Genealogy Societies

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century


*Successful completion of the American Genealogical Study Series Course Work in association with the National Genealogical Society. CEU's for professional development.

American Genealogical Society Member (AGS); National Genealogical Society Member (NGS); Association of Professional Genealogists; California Genealogical Society Member.

*BA - Business *Minor Studies-Law-Paralegal Certificate-ABA *American Genealogical Studies Course Completion with the National Genealogical Society