Markus Röhling

Heir search in Germany, Tracing your family history, especially in Brandenburg, Berlin, Pomerania

  • Family History Research
  • Other Speciality

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research

  • Event / Reunion / Travel Planning
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • House Historian / Local History
Working as a free lance genealogist since 1999. Specialized in the former Prussian provinces of Brandenburg (including Berlin) and Pomerania.
Also doing research in neighbouring areas (Posen, East- and Westprussia, Posen, Mecklenburg and parts of Saxony). Studied theology, history, archaeology and semitic languages at Heidelberg, Jena, Bonn, Cologne, Jerusalem, Bir Zeit and Berlin. Holds a master degree in theology (church history).
  • Research in any German archive
  • Heir Search
  • Court and land records
  • Localisation of ancestral homes
  • Photography of places and houses
  • Huguenot and Jewish research
  • Guided tours and personal assistance
  • Transcription of documents

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier

German, English, French, Hebrew, Latin, Dutch

M.Th. (Church History)