
Mark Jacobson

Jewish Genealogist
Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers
Boca Raton, Florida
United States

  • Family History Research

  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research
  • Immigration / Naturalization
Our expertise is Jewish Genealogy Research. We can help you find towns of origin for immigrant ancestors and research available documents in Eastern Europe. We can help you create a family tree so you can keep your ancestors alive for generations to come.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and currently live in Boca Raton, Florida. I have a BA with honors in History from Brooklyn College and an MS in Education with a Specialization in Counseling with distinction from Hofstra University. I have been doing genealogy research with my sister Leslie for more than 20 years. Leslie and I are partners in the genealogy research company Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers. We specialize in Jewish genealogy research. Along with researching for clients we have researched our own family tree back as far as seven generations to our ancestors in Galicia (currently Poland and Ukraine), Ukraine, and Belarus.
I was the President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. (Florida) from 2010 to 2014 and continue to serve on their board. Before that, I served as Secretary from 2006-2010. I was leader of the Galician Special Interest Group for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. I presented numerous genealogy programs to the Jewish Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. at their annual Genealogy Symposiums and at general meetings. Programs included using US naturalization records, using Familysearch website, Galician Jewish history and research, using JRI-Poland website, and how I traced my family in the Ukraine. In March 2022 I presented a Zoom program to the Imperial Polk Genealogical Society of Polk County Florida titled "Aspects of Jewish Genealogy." I have mentored peers learning Genealogical research. I have published numerous articles in Scattered Seeds, a publication of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County, Inc., as well as the Galitzianer, a publication of Gesher Galicia.
Since 2014 I have served on the board of Gesher Galicia, a non-profit organization carrying out Jewish genealogical and historical research on Galicia, formerly a province of Austria-Hungary and today divided between southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. I am currently the Gesher Galicia Research Coordinator, dealing with acquiring and supervising the major indexing projects for the organization. I work with various archives, volunteers and professionals throughout Poland and Ukraine. I have been an Indexing Volunteer for Family Search Indexing. I led an extensive project to index 19th Century Jewish vital records from my grandfather's town of Drohobycz (formerly in Galicia, now Ukraine). I am currently the Drohobycz and Boryslaw Town Leader of the AGAD Archive Project for JRI-Poland (Jewish Records Indexing - Poland).

  • Galicia
  • Austria-Hungary 
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • Lithuania
  • New York City, New York
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • New Jersey
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Cleveland, Ohio


You did some wonderful Galicia research for me. Julia, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client.

I just read the report and I am amazed at what you found and forever grateful.  It is an amazing summary as well as extremely sad. I am forever indebted to you both as well as is my entire family. Nate, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client

I was very impressed with the thoroughness of the report. It's very obvious that you both worked very hard on my behalf. Thank you so much. Clearly, I made a good decision in choosing to work with you. I am most appreciative of your endeavors. Marlene, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client

Thank you so much.  You are wonderful.  This helps me so much. Wendy, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client

Thanks again for your great work. This is a nice Rosh Hashana gift for our family. Neil, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client

I’m thrilled you were able to put it together before his birthday and can’t wait to see and share it! Thanks so much! Just printed out your reports and can't wait to give them to him next week. All the supporting documentation is very impressive, and moving. Marjie, Jacobson and Jacobson Genealogy Researchers client

Jewish Genealogy Research, Holocaust Research

"All Galicia Database" Scattered Seeds 18 .4 (Fourth Quarter 2011):6-7. Online.

"Breaking a Brick Wall Through Family Search" Scattered Seeds 19. 4 (Fourth Quarter 2012):7-8. Online.

"Galician Record Images are Online" The Galitzianer 20 .4 (Fourth Quarter 2013):22-23. Online.

"How to Index Records" The Galitzianer 24 .2 (Second Quarter 2017):6-9. Online.

"Tutorial: Genealogy Databases" The Galitzianer 27 .3 (Third Quarter 2020):4-10. Online.

"Galician Census Records" The Galitzianer 28 .4 (December 2021):4-7. Online.

"Newfound Galician Jewish Records from the Soviet Occupation" The Galitzianer 30 .4 (December 2023):4-8. Online.

"Stanisławów Passport Applications" The Galitzianer 31 .3 (September 2024):4-5. Online.

United States Naturalization Records - A review of online sources for naturalization indexes and records.

Jewish Records Indexing Poland - An overview of resources available on their website and search tips.

Using FamilySearch - Tips for successfully using the FamilySearch website.

Adventures in Ukraine Records - How I used various records to trace back to my seventh great-grandfather.

Aspects of Jewish Genealogy - an introduction to Jewish Genealogy research.

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

Hebrew headstones

Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and leader of the Galician Special Interest Group for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. (Florida), 2006 to present

Research Coordinator, Gesher Galicia, 2022 to present

Board Member, Gesher Galicia, 2014 to present

Town leader, Jewish Records Indexing Poland (JRI-Poland) for indexing Jewish records for towns of Boryslaw and Drohobycz

Member of 2015 International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) Achievement Awards Nominating Committee

Member, Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA)

MS (Education), BA (History)