Maria Jean Hopper

Thirty+ years experience; in Bergen Co., NJ New Netherland Research; PG 2006-2016; compiler of Th
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
Family History Research
- Family History Research
- Heraldry / Lineage Societies
- Author/Writer
Research Time Periods
- 21st Century
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- 17th Century
Was a Profession Genealogist 2006-2016, did not renew due to husband's health.
Was a Profession Genealogist 2006-2016, did not renew due to husband's health.
Genealogical Society of Bergen County, trustee and past president
Genealogical Society of Bergen County, trustee and past president
BA Education Trenton State College [now The College of NJ]
BA Education Trenton State College [now The College of NJ]