
Lynn Broderick

🔍 Solves family mysteries using documentary and DNA evidence for the generations
The Single Leaf
+1 (202)455-8165
United States

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • DNA
  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer
  • Editor
  • Tutor / Coach

Lynn Broderick, also known as the Single Leaf, is a writer by birth, a teacher by profession, and a researcher by passion. She enjoys researching individuals of the past in the context of family, community, and social history for the generations.

She began her formal genealogical education at the age of 15 and she has been mentored by many noted genealogists. Over the years she has been a member of many societies and associations to support their good work. She champions genealogy ethics & standards in the community.

In addition to the vast resources available online, she currently researches at the FamilySearch Library, university libraries, and archives throughout the United States. She also continues to host the first ever NGSQ/Record Study Group, a group committed to discussing articles from these premier genealogical journals to enjoy the benefits of peer-to-peer learning. She also hosts a monthly advanced genetic genealogy group where members discuss recent publications and the latest news. 

Following the rapid expansion of generative AI, conversations with Steve Little and others at her ethics panel emphasized the urgent need for a framework. The Coalition for Responsible AI in Genealogy was born out of these discussions. This has been a collaborative effort with colleagues throughout 2024 resulting in the authored work, Guiding Principles for Responsible AI in Genealogy.

Lynn has occasionally written for the FamilySearch and RootsTech blogs. When asked to develop a way to engage more men in genealogy, she combined her childhood memories of NFL football and her own genealogical football moment to develop genealogy football. In 2019 she created Henry the Sleuth, the one and only genealogy sloth, whose stories follow their investigations and adventures.

When not in her office or at repositories, she can be found among her scattered herd. If you happen to watch the award-winning show Heartland—and you don’t blink—you might catch a glimpse of you-know-who at the rodeos in Seasons 17 and 18. 

If you have a question, need a recommendation, or would like research assistance contact her. Although she has a wait list for a variety of genealogy projects & services, she is happy to consult with you!


If you are at a point in your research where you think you might benefit from professional assistance, let's talk. I provide a number of personalized services pertaining to family history and genealogy, including, but not limited to, consultations, coaching, record searches, document retrieval (at the Family History Library and other select repositories), pedigree analysis, and onsite research. Beyond my scope? I provide recommendations to maximize your dollars and to avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

Geographic Specialties

Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Rocky Mountains

Research Specialties:

Catholic, Children/Youth, Civil War, DNA Specialist, Federal Records, Forensic, German American, Irish American, Italian American, Latter-day Saint (Mormon), Lutheran, Moravian

Non-Research Specialties:

Author/Writer, Blogger, Editor, Instructor, Lecturer/Presenter - On-site, Lecturer/Presenter -Virtual

  • It's All About Ethics! Using DNA Results with Integrity
  • Considerations for the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Genealogy
  • Ethical Standards in the Genetic Genealogy Community: A Town Hall Discussion (Panel)
  • Dealing With Ethical Dilemmas in an Online World (A Discussion)
  • Are Genealogy and Family History Your Game This Season?
  • Were Your Ancestors Moravian?
  • Moravian Memoirs: Why (and How) You Should Write One Even If You're Not Moravian
  • Lectures about U.S. record sets and methodology


  • Family History Library - Salt Lake City
  • U. S. National Archives and Records Administration 1 and 2 (NARA)
  • Moravian Church Archives - Bethlehem, PA

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century

  • Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy
  • Beyond Fundamentals: Hands-on Forensic Genealogy

  • Post-Bacc (Education)
  • B.A. (University Studies)
  • A.A. (English: editing)
  • Minor (Design)
  • Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Alumna)