
Linda Yip AG®

Western Canada and Chinese Canadian genealogy
Linda Yip Consulting
Accredited Genealogist® Professional
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting

  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events
Accredited Genealogist® professional in the region of Western Canada (BC, AB, SK, MB) as of Nov 2024. My particular research interest is the genealogy of the Chinese in Canada, with a focus on government records, particularly the records create by The Chinese Immigration Act (1885-1947). Memorable genealogy projects included tracing the lineage of a descendant of an English  Hudson's Bay Company factor (boss); a lost Chinese great-grandfather in Sudbury, ON; and coordinating a project sending a military historian to Kew, London, to research members of Special Operations Executive/ Force 136. 

I believe strongly in community and have built a private online community on FB, Genealogy for Asian Canadians, where we share methodology, research, questions, stories, and resources. 

Exceeded expectations! Incredible research coast to coast across both Canada and the US. Linda's in depth analysis uncovered long forgotten family treasures spanning several generations. CG

The report was fantastic and it actually triggered some memories for my mom. I believe she even teared up a bit! Wow, Linda! I am incredibly happy with your research and it was so worth it! You are awesome. KP

I didn't know very much about my family before Linda presented my family tree. The family details that Linda was able to share with me as a result of her detailed research brought those family members and many others to life. She had found detailed information on my family including many types of official documentation that revealed a much broader network of extended family than I knew existed. Throughout the project I was impressed by Linda's in-depth knowledge of the data sources and her efficiency in linking together many disparate pieces to create a single picture. Linda's work in identifying long-lost family members and showing how we are related provides me with something tangible to use to initiate new family discussions and perhaps the opportunity to renew long-lost relationships. CK

I engaged Past Presence genealogy services to discover more about my Dutch heritage. In a very short time Linda's impeccable research uncovered a family tree going back 7 generations (to the 1850s!) This report greatly exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend Past Presence genealogy. You will enjoy working with Linda and appreciate her professionalism and dedication. This service is priceless. RK

Getting started in Chinese genealogy: a family historian's guide even if you don't speak or read Chinese (2022, 2021) The quick start scanning handbook (2021) Yip Sang the patriarch ? Reflections on a true Canadian pioneer (Ancestry Canada Blog, Jun 2020). The Chrysalis: The Early Life of Susanne Gim Ling Yip Sang (Ancestry Canada Blog, Apr 2020). Genealogy: A detective story (Prairies North, Dec 2018). Chinese Canadian research tips (Oct 2018).

For an ongoing list of my speaking engagements and lectures, see https://past-presence.com/media/

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

Writing and documenting for peer review (SLIG, Jan 2022) Introduction to genetic genealogy (SLIG, Jan 2021) Chinese ancestry: research methods and sources (SLIG, Jan 2020)
