Kendra Leslie Gaede
Specializes in Western Canadian records, collections, and immigration. Also Historical Photos.
Epic Genealogy
Professional Genealogist PLCGS, BFA, BJ
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
- Speaking / Presenting
- Writing /Publishing
Family History Research
- Document Retrieval / Record Agent
- Family History Research
- Immigration / Naturalization
- Military
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Technology
- Writing & Publishing
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
- Author/Writer
- Editor
- Graphic Designer
- Publisher
- Tutor / Coach
Other Speciality
- Document Translation
- Heir & Probate Search
- Photograph Analysis
- Handwriting / Palaeography
Born in Alberta and educated in Saskatchewan, Kendra Gaede is a professional genealogist, writer and former journalist who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She specializes in Western Canadian records and has a passion for archives, databases, historical photographs, and oral histories. Kendra is a member of the Manitoba Genealogical Society’s Research Committee.
Geographic Specialities
Western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia)
Canadian Prairies
Western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia)
Canadian Prairies
I am extremely well pleased with your research efforts and the detailing of the references you've carefully included. I feel your charges are very fair. You are thorough, conscientious and appear to work from the heart.
- John, United Kingdom
Kendra Gaede is one of the most knowledgeable, well spoken and confident speakers our branch has engaged to present educational webinars to our members that are focused on different aspects of genealogy. Kendra is always very well prepared and organized. Her enthusiasm for genealogy is contagious.
– Bob Allebone, President, Southeast and Winnipeg Branch, Manitoba Genealogical Society
I am extremely well pleased with your research efforts and the detailing of the references you've carefully included. I feel your charges are very fair. You are thorough, conscientious and appear to work from the heart.
- John, United Kingdom
Kendra Gaede is one of the most knowledgeable, well spoken and confident speakers our branch has engaged to present educational webinars to our members that are focused on different aspects of genealogy. Kendra is always very well prepared and organized. Her enthusiasm for genealogy is contagious.
– Bob Allebone, President, Southeast and Winnipeg Branch, Manitoba Genealogical Society
Additional specialities or search keywords
Praries, Prairie, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Calgary, Metis, Fur Trade, Immigration
Praries, Prairie, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Calgary, Metis, Fur Trade, Immigration
March 16, 2024, CTV National News, discussing the perils of do-it-yourself dna kits in genealogy.
June 4, 2024, CTV Winnipeg Morning Live, representing the Manitoba Genealogical Society.
March 16, 2024, CTV National News, discussing the perils of do-it-yourself dna kits in genealogy.
June 4, 2024, CTV Winnipeg Morning Live, representing the Manitoba Genealogical Society.
- November 14, 2022, Researching Canadian Military Records, Manitoba Genealogical Society, South East Branch and Winnipeg Branch.
- May 10, 2023 , The long journey to a new home; Canadian Immigration documents for the family historian, West Parry Sound District Museum Genealogy Club
- May 27, 2024, The Photograph as Genealogical Document; Provenance, Evidence and Photo Analysis for Beginners, Manitoba Genealogical Society, South East Branch and Winnipeg Branch.
- October 5, 2024, Western Canadian Military Records for Beginners: Honouring our ancestors by exploring their service, Family Roots Conference 2024, Alberta Family Histories Society, Calgary, AB, Blackfoot Hotel, 11:00 am MST.
- October 5, 2024, Western Canadian Immigration Documents for the Family Historian, Family Roots Conference 2024, Alberta Family Histories Society, Calgary, AB, Blackfoot Hotel, 2:30 pm.
- November 13, 2024, The Photograph as Genealogical Document; Provenance, Evidence and Photo Analysis for Beginners, West Parry Sound and District Museum Genealogy Club, online presentation, 7:00 EST.
Glenbow Western Research Centre (University of Calgary), Manitoba Archives, Library and Archives Canada, Hudson's Bay Company Archives, University of Manitoba Archives, University of Winnipeg Archives, University of Alberta Archives, Centre du Patrimoine/St. Boniface Historical Society, Winnipeg Public Library Local History Collection
Glenbow Western Research Centre (University of Calgary), Manitoba Archives, Library and Archives Canada, Hudson's Bay Company Archives, University of Manitoba Archives, University of Winnipeg Archives, University of Alberta Archives, Centre du Patrimoine/St. Boniface Historical Society, Winnipeg Public Library Local History Collection
Research Time Periods
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
PLCGS, International Institute for Genealogical Studies 2020
PLCGS, International Institute for Genealogical Studies 2020
PLCGS International Institute of Genealogical Studies 2020
PLCGS International Institute of Genealogical Studies 2020
Member, Research Committee, Manitoba Genealogical Society
Member, APG Canadian Chapter
Member, Research Committee, Manitoba Genealogical Society
Member, APG Canadian Chapter
- Bachelor of Journalism, University of Regina
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Video Production, University of Regina