
Kelley Conner Lear CG®

Certified Genealogist® Specializing in West Virginia, Virginia, and central Appalachian research
Take Me Home Genealogy

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • Family History Research
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Writing & Publishing
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Tutor / Coach

Kelley is a Certified Genealogist® specializing in research in her home state of West Virginia, as well as Virginia, the Allegheny Highlands, and Central Appalachia. She is available for research, writing, speaking, or assistance with lineage society applications. Kelley holds a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS) from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.

In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of APG, Kelley also serves as the Social Media Chair, Historian, and member of the Virginia Genealogical Society's Board of Directors. She is also a member of the National Genealogical Society,  Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia, KYOWVA Genealogical and Historical Society, Hackers Creek Pioneer Descendants, the Georgia Genealogical Society, and other local societies.

She is also a current or past member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, the Daughters of the War of 1812, and the South Carolina Huguenot Society. Kelley offers extensive experience with hundreds of approved lineage society applications. She served as State Genealogical Committee Chairwoman for the South Carolina DAR and a volunteer researcher for NSDAR's former 250 Task Force working to resolve complex applications.

Work samples and references are available on request.


West Virginia; Virginia; Tennessee; North Carolina; Ohio; Pennsylvania; Kentucky

West Virginia, Virginia, Appalachia

You've Got Mail: Using the Rich Records of the Postal Service in Genealogy (2023); Demystifying a DAR Application: Using Best Practices for Your Best Shot (2023); X Marks the Spot—Using Maps to Locate Your Rural Ancestors (2025); Between Tick Marks and Relationships: A World of Information in 1850 to 1870 Census Records (2023)

West Virginia Archives and Culture (Charleston); Library of Virginia (Richmond); WVU Regional History Center (Morgantown); Virginia and West Virginia Courthouses; Georgia State Archives (Morrow); NARA (Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Morrow, Ga.)

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century

CG®, Certified Genealogist, Board for Certification of Genealogists®
PLCGS, Professional Learning Certificate Genealogical Studies in American Records

ProGen 52; ProGen Practicum 2

APG, Board of Directors; Virginia Genealogical Society, Board Member, Historian, Social Media Chair; National Genealogical Society; Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia; Hacker's Creek (WV) Pioneer Descendants

B.A., Communications, Mary Baldwin University