Katy Bodenhorn Barnes
Katy Bodenhorn Genealogy Research LLC
Owner and Genealogist
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
- Speaking / Presenting
Family History Research
- Document Retrieval / Record Agent
- Family History Research
- Tutor / Coach
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
- Editor
Other Speciality
- Heir & Probate Search
- Handwriting / Palaeography
Contact me at katybodenhorn@gmail.com
Katy is most recently the former Director of Genealogical Programs and Services at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and is currently a freelance genealogist. She earned a B.A. in Family History and Genealogy and has spent over a decade in the professional genealogy world as a client researcher and speaker.
From 2014 to 2022, Katy worked a Senior Researcher and Editor at Legacy Tree Genealogists, where she completed over 100 research projects and performed peer review on hundreds more. While at HSP, Katy's regular responsibilities included conducting client research as well as providing personal genealogy consultations for patrons, assisting with HSP's digitization initiatives, and coordinating public events such as genealogy webinars and workshops.
In her free time, Katy enjoys music, being outdoors, good food, travel, and spending time at the (Jersey) Shore. She lives in beautiful Berks County, PA.
Katy is most recently the former Director of Genealogical Programs and Services at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and is currently a freelance genealogist. She earned a B.A. in Family History and Genealogy and has spent over a decade in the professional genealogy world as a client researcher and speaker.
From 2014 to 2022, Katy worked a Senior Researcher and Editor at Legacy Tree Genealogists, where she completed over 100 research projects and performed peer review on hundreds more. While at HSP, Katy's regular responsibilities included conducting client research as well as providing personal genealogy consultations for patrons, assisting with HSP's digitization initiatives, and coordinating public events such as genealogy webinars and workshops.
In her free time, Katy enjoys music, being outdoors, good food, travel, and spending time at the (Jersey) Shore. She lives in beautiful Berks County, PA.
Geographic Specialities
- Continental United States, 1700s-present, with emphasis on:
- Pennsylvania and the broader Mid-Atlantic region
- Pennsylvania Germans
- Midwest
- South
- Urban areas, especially
- Philadelphia
- New York City
- Baltimore
- Chicago
- Pennsylvania and the broader Mid-Atlantic region
- UK and British Commonwealth countries
- Immigration from
- Latin America (especially Mexico)
- Ireland
- Germany
- Italy
- Appearance on the Tamron Hall Show, 2 May 2024: clip 1 and clip 2
- Genealogy research into Philadelphia city councilman Isaiah Thomas, February 2023: HSP hosts Councilmember Isaiah Thomas for Genealogical Consultation
A selection of lectures on offer:
A selection of lectures on offer:
- "Three Countries, Three Surnames: a Father for Walter G. Swan of Cleveland, Ohio"
- "The Bodenhorn Origins: Finding my Hessian Ancestor"
- "Super-Sleuth Strategies for Finding the Original Records"
- "Children's Aid: Nineteenth-Century Social Services in Pennsylvania"
- "Through the Back Door: Using Indirect Evidence to Identify Parents"
- "Hidden in Plain Sight: Using Image-Only Collections Online"
- "Spanish Language Records for Non-Spanish Speakers"
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia City Archives
Berks History Center
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia City Archives
Berks History Center
Research Time Periods
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- Mid-Atlantic Chapter APG
- Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
- Questers (Philadelphia chapter)
B.A. (Family History & Genealogy)
B.A. (Family History & Genealogy)