
Joseph B. Shumway

Popular Genealogist from Who Do You Think You Are
Bicknell, Utah
United States

  • Family History Research

  • Family History Research

  • Tutor / Coach

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

Renowned genealogist, Joseph Shumway, has worked as a professional since 2004. He discovered the thrill of genealogy at age 12. Then, at age 14 Joseph began volunteering at his local Family History Center and by age 16 he found himself teaching classes and giving lectures on various genealogical topics. While in high school, Joseph oversaw and directed a project involving the compilation of local cemetery records. He was later honored by the Wyoming State Historical Society and was presented the Young Historian of the Year Award for his efforts.

Joseph is a member of the Genealogical Speaker's Guild (GSG) and several other genealogical societies and associations. He has served as both President and Vice-President for the Salt Lake Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and was on the Board of Commissioners for the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen). In 2007 he obtained his AG (Accredited Genealogist) credential.

Joseph is an active lecturer and speaks at many regional and national conferences. He has also made multiple television appearances on such shows as CBS This Morning, CNN's StartingPoint, The Jimmy Kimmel Show. He was also a regular contributor on the show "Who Do You Think You Are?", having appeared on 14 episodes, as well as managing the research for 25. He has developed excellent problem-solving and analytical skills and is gifted in solving difficult genealogical problems.

In addition to his work as a professional genealogist, Joseph is a certified Primal Health Coach, specializing in ancestral health, diet, and nutrition, as well as an Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner coaching clients on healing intergenerational and cultural trauma.

Research Specialties
England; Scotland; Wales; U.S. Mid-Atlantic; U.S. Mid-South; African American; Caribbean and Afro-Caribbean; Latin America

England, Wales, Scotland, Jamaica, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland

Afro-Caribbean, African American

FamilySearch Library

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century