John Boeren QG
- Family History Research
- Speaking / Presenting
- Writing /Publishing
- Document Retrieval / Record Agent
- Family History Research
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
- Author/Writer
- Document Translation
- Event / Reunion / Travel Planning
- Handwriting / Palaeography
My Experience
I started researching my own family history in 1988, when a brother of my grandfather showed me a list of names of his uncles and aunts. I had never heard of these people, but I definitely wanted to know more about them! In the following decades I worked on the families of my four grandparents (Boeren, Van Berkel, Jansen and Snoeren) and on my pedigree chart. Because many of my ancestors lived in the small town of Loon op Zand, I started a one-place study.
Genealogy was part of my daily work for ten years. From 1996 to 2005 I worked at the regional archives in Tilburg. Then I found out that I really enjoy explaining to others how they can do genealogical research themselves. I started giving courses and lectures, and I started writing articles for magazines and blogs.
My interest in genealogy and family history developed over the years into a true passion. In 2015 I founded my own business, called Antecedentia, and since 2018 I am a fulltime professional genealogist. I still enjoy researching my own family history, but certainly also the history of my client’s families.
Although I always wanted to study History, others convinced me that Law was a better choice. After my education at Tilburg University, I opted for a short study at the School for Archivists in The Hague.
When I made the decision to work as a genealogy professional, I also looked for appropriate training in this field. I found this at the International Institute for Genealogical Studies in Canada. In 2019 I completed the Professional Development Certificate and the Methodology Certificate, followed by the English Records Certifiate in 2020.
In the summer of 2020 I chose to start a new study: the Strathclyde courses, which should lead me to my second Master Degree, this time in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies (MSc).
Right from the beginning of my genealogical work I thought it was important to give something back to the genealogical community. I became a volunteer at archives and at historical and genealogical societies.
Because I think it is important to maintain contacts with fellow genealogists in other countries, I am currently serving as President of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).
I am a member of:
– American Historical Association
– Association of Professional Genealogists
– Dutch Settlers Society of Albany (associate)
– National Genealogical Society
– Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging
– Koninklijk Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde
– Register of Qualified Genealogists (QG, Qualified Genealogist)
If you have questions about your Dutch ancestors, I am always available to answer them. You can send me a message or you can look for me on social media.
I look forward to working with you on your family’s history in the Netherlands!

All Dutch-speaking communities.
John's columns and articles were published in Going In-Depth, the (digital) magazine of The In-Depth Genealogist, Family Tree Magazine (UK), Family Tree Magazine (US). He wrote the Legacy QuickGuide on Dutch genealogy.
- Introduction to Dutch Genealogy
- 25 Rules for Genealogists
- Research in Dutch Parish Records
- Research in Dutch population registers
- How to trace your Dutch ancestors on the internet
- other topics, to be discussed
Research in all archives in the Netherlands and the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. Some research in German places close to the Dutch border.
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- 17th Century
Basic German (reading only), Basic Latin (reading only), Dutch, English
- University of Strathclyde PGDip, 2024
- University of Strathclyde PGCert, 2022
- National Institute for Genealogical Studies (English Records), 2020
- National Institute for Genealogical Studies (Professional Development), 2019
- National Institute for Genealogical Studies (Methodology), 2019
- The Hague School for Archivists (Archival Studies), 1997
- Dutch Genealogical Society (NGV)
- Royal Netherlands Society for Genealogy and Heraldry (KNGGW)
- National Genealogical Society (NGS)
- Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG), member
Tilburg University (Constitutional Law & History of Law)