Joe Hunter
- Speaking / Presenting
- Family History Research
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
- Dual Citizenship
Always begin with the end in mind. Constancy to anything is the key to success. Put first things first. Think win-win. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Constantly, sharpen the saw. Lean in to your discomfort, and grow. Find the best in everyone. We can't change the cards we have been dealt, just how we play the hand. Live with integrity. It really is just that simple.
Many of the greatest words may have already been spoken, but all of the best narratives are yet to be written. So, just do it.
If you are a genealogist or a family historian, you have more dead friends than living ones! This, too, shall pass. Our time will soon belong to the ages. So, no time to waste.
All things are possible, all of the time. No excuses, no apologies. Actions speak louder than words.
Life is short, enjoy the ride! Make a difference. You can, so you will. Mise Éire.
Remember, I told you so.
The Irish Ancestral Research Association Newsletter, Winter 2022, Volume 39, Number 4 - Two Bits for Famine Relief from Patrick Shinnick - An Ancestral Gem!
- Building a Family Tree - Independence Hall Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution - 15 February 2025
- Brick Wall - The Mysterious George Hunter - Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI) - 23 March 2024.
- A Dozen Things You Can Do With Your Research To Celebrate St. Patrick's Day! - The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA), 14 Mar 2024.
- Researching Your Celtic Ancestors - Celtic Cultural Alliance (CCA), 10 February 2024.
- Exploring Dual Citizenship with Ireland - The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA), 17 January 2024.
- Brick Wall - The Mysterious George Hunter - The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA), 31 Mar 2023.
- Using Google Earth Pro, Griffith's Valuation & Irish Townlands, to Map and Visit the Land of Your Ancestors - Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI), 25 Mar 2023.
- A Dozen Things You Can Do With Your Research To Celebrate St. Patrick's Day! - Main Line Genealogy Club (MLGC), 17 Mar 2023.
- Genealogical Resources in Pennsylvania - Rogue Valley Genealogical Society (RVGS), 28 Feb 2023.
- Understanding the Online Resources Available to Research Your Ancestors - Rogue Valley Genealogical Society (RVGS), 10 Nov 2022.
- Using Google Earth Pro, Griffith's Valuation & Irish Townlands, to Map and Visit the Land of Your Ancestors - The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA), 13 May 2022.
- Using Google Earth Pro, Griffith's Valuation & Irish Townlands, to Map and Visit the Land of Your Ancestors - Monmouth County Genealogical Society (MCGS), 22 Mar 2022.
- Genealogy - Using Online Resources to Research Your Family History - Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society (VHAS), Vineland, NJ, 26 Feb 2022.
- Planning Our Research: Building a Strategy For Finding Our Irish Ancestors in Ireland- The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA)-Moderator, 4 Jan 2022.
- Using Google Earth Pro, Griffith's Valuation & Irish Townlands, to Map and Visit the Land of Your Ancestors- Bucks County Genealogical Society (BCGS), Irish Special Interest Group, 16 Nov 2021.
- Share Your Success Stories- Distance Group- The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA)- Moderator, 4 Nov 2021.
- The Joy of Irish Research- Rogue Valley Genealogical Society (RVGS), Medford, OR, 10 April 2021.
- Irish Citizenship- APG-GPAC Chapter, 3 March 2021. Genealogy for Beginners- Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society (VHAS), Vineland, NJ, 18 Jul 2020.
- The Mystery of Family History- Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce (GVCC), Vineland, NJ, 25 Sep 2020.
- Genealogy for Fun- Vineland Rotary Club Vineland, NJ, 12 Jan 2021.
Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society, Vineland, NJ, Philadelphia City Archives, Phila., PA, The National Archives at Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA, Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast, Northern Ireland, New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ.
- 21st Century
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
Boston University, Certificate in Genealogical Research, 2019 (OL29) GRIP 2020- Irish Genealogical Research Part II GRIP 2021- Practical Genetic Genealogy ProGen 50 Study Groups- Certificate of Completion, December 2021.
- APG-Philadelphia Chapter-(Past) President 2023-4
- The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA)-Vice President 2022-5 (Current)
- APG-Philadelphia Chapter-Vice President 2021-2
- APG-Philadelphia Chapter-Membership Coordinator 2022-3
- APG Listening Committee Member 2023
- APG Member Benefits Committee 2023
- Celtic Connections Conference Planning Committee 2022-5 (Current)
- The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA)-Distance Membership Committee- Moderator/Facilitator 2023-4
- Member-Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI) 2022-5
- The Green Room-Member
- Member-The Genealogical Society of New Jersey (GSNJ) 2022-3
- Member-APG-NJ Chapter 2022-3
- Member-Main Line Genealogy Club (MLGC)- Presenter Coordinator 2021-5 (Current)
- Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society-Member
- Bucks County (PA) Genealogical Society-Member
- BCGS Irish Special Interest Group (SIG)-Member
- Clan Hunter (USA & Scotland)
- MIAP- The Missing In America Project- NJ
BBA- Business-Temple University