Jennifer V Hooper
No Ancestor Left Behind
Virginia Beach, Virginia
United States
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
- Writing /Publishing
Family History Research
- Document Retrieval / Record Agent
- Family History Research
- Heraldry / Lineage Societies
- Tutor / Coach
- Adoption / Unknown Parentage
No Ancestor Left Behind proprietor Jennifer Hooper is a passionate researcher with a strong interest in lineage society memberships and ancestral research.
Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, she holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Sociology from Grand Canyon University. She has also completed the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research, the DAR’s Genealogical Education Program, the ProGen Study Group (August 2021), and more.
* Record Retrievals (in and around Virginia Beach, VA)
* Lineage Society Applications & Research
* Ancestor Research & Report Writing
* AncestryDNA Analysis
* Consultations for your own research
Research Time Periods
- 21st Century
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
Genealogical Research Certificate, Boston University, May 2019 NSDAR GEP I: Intro to Genealogical Research for DAR Applications, May 2020. NSDAR GEP II: Applying Genealogy Research Techniques to DAR Applications, June 2020. NSDAR GEP III: Advanced Techniques for Resolving Problems with Lineage or Service on DAR Records, June 2020. NSDAR DNA and the DAR: Using DNA as a Piece of the Evidence for a DAR Application, June 2020. (And Updated: August 2020), NSDAR GEP 8: Supplementals, May 2024. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Documentation for Lineage Societies, July 2020. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Introduction to Jewish Genealogy, July 2020. ProGen Study Group Graduate, Class #49, May 2020 - August 2021
Genealogical Research Certificate, Boston University, May 2019 NSDAR GEP I: Intro to Genealogical Research for DAR Applications, May 2020. NSDAR GEP II: Applying Genealogy Research Techniques to DAR Applications, June 2020. NSDAR GEP III: Advanced Techniques for Resolving Problems with Lineage or Service on DAR Records, June 2020. NSDAR DNA and the DAR: Using DNA as a Piece of the Evidence for a DAR Application, June 2020. (And Updated: August 2020), NSDAR GEP 8: Supplementals, May 2024. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Documentation for Lineage Societies, July 2020. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Introduction to Jewish Genealogy, July 2020. ProGen Study Group Graduate, Class #49, May 2020 - August 2021
* Association of Professional Genealogists * Association of Professional Genealogists: Virtual Chapter * Daughters of the American Revolution * Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War * National Genealogical Society * Utah Genealogical Society * Virginia Beach Genealogical Society * Virtual Genealogy Association
* Association of Professional Genealogists * Association of Professional Genealogists: Virtual Chapter * Daughters of the American Revolution * Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War * National Genealogical Society * Utah Genealogical Society * Virginia Beach Genealogical Society * Virtual Genealogy Association
Bachelor of Science (Sociology)
Bachelor of Science (Sociology)