Jenna Robertson
Genetic Genealogist, Forensic Genetic Genealogist, Adoptee and NPE Friendly
Investigative Genetic Genealogist
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Currently accepting clients for...
- Family History Research
Family History Research
- Tutor / Coach
- Adoption / Unknown Parentage
- Investigative Genetic Genealogy
I am an independent forensic investigative genetic genealogist and a reunion coach for adoptees and NPE's looking to identify and contact biological family members.
With a personal history and close familial association with adoption, NPEs (misattributed parentage -- ie, an unknown father), foster care, the LGBTQ community and more, I have become a fierce advocate for my clients.
Located in the Las Vegas area, I am happy to speak in-person over coffee, via Zoom, phone, text, email and private message apps.
Jenna Robertson
Additional specialities or search keywords
Reunion Coach for Adoptees and NPEs looking to contact biological family.
Reunion Coach for Adoptees and NPEs looking to contact biological family.