
Jenna Robertson

Genetic Genealogist, Forensic Genetic Genealogist, Adoptee and NPE Friendly
Investigative Genetic Genealogist
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States

  • DNA
  • Family History Research

  • DNA
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Investigative Genetic Genealogy

I am an independent forensic investigative genetic genealogist and a reunion coach for adoptees and NPE's looking to identify and contact biological family members. 

With a personal history and close familial association with adoption, NPEs (misattributed parentage -- ie, an unknown father), foster care, the LGBTQ community and more, I have become a fierce advocate for my clients.

Located in the Las Vegas area, I am happy to speak in-person over coffee, via Zoom, phone, text, email and private message apps.

Jenna Robertson

Reunion Coach for Adoptees and NPEs looking to contact biological family.