
Dr. Gary Ball-Kilbourne CG®, CGL(SM)

Prairie Genealogy

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • Family History Research
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Technology

  • Author/Writer
  • Editor
  • Tutor / Coach

Dr. Gary Ball-Kilbourne greatly exceeded my expectations. I had one primary question. Dr. Ball-Kilbourne went back five generations and revealed much family history of which we were unaware. He produced a 30-page report with scans of many original documents. Reading my grandfather's obituary and death certificate was an emotionally moving experience. Inexplicably, this report connected me to my family history in a more meaningful way than I could have possibly imagined." --D.H.C.

"Finding Parents for Ann Cosden of Early Calvert County, Maryland," National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 112 (June 2024): 135–141. "The Many Wives of Howard William Lowe of East Grand Forks, Minnesota," Generations: Quarterly Journal of the Minnesota Genealogical Society, 55 (Summer 2024): 6–12. "North Dakota Research Guide," Family Tree Magazine, 25 (May/June 2024): 37–40. "Creating and Maintaining a Successful Educational Plan, Crossroad, 17 (Spring 2022): 27–29. "Who Was the Mother of Samuel Kilbourn of Hartford County, Connecticut, and Baltimore City, Maryland?," National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 108 (December 2020): 263-276. "Confirming the Parentage of Samuel Kilbourn of Baltimore (1814-1855), Maryland Genealogical Society Journal 61 (August 2020): 273-299. Review of How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records: A Genealogist's Guide, by Sunny Jane Morton and Harold A. Henderson, Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, 35 (March 2020): 40-41. "A Cautionary Tale: Finding a Birthplace for Delany DeVine of Deuel County, South Dakota, " Minnesota Genealogist ,48 (Winter 2017): 5-9.

"Beyond the First Clue: Unraveling a Genealogical Mystery with GPS," (NGS Conference 2025); "Fakes, Frauds, and Fabrications: A Genealogist's Guide to Deception" (Fairfax Genealogical Society); "Tracking an Immigrant Family's Migration: A Case Study" (2024 GRIP); "Beyond the Midwest: The Great Plains" (2024 GRIP); several class sessions in "Researching along the Northern Plains" (SLIG 2024); "The Many Wives of Howard William Lowe: Working with Social History to Glean Genealogical Insights" (2023 Reisinger Lecture); "Researching Religiously in the District of Columbia" (2023 SLIG); "Cemetery Research in the District of Columbia" (2023 SLIG); "Peeling the Onion: Digging Down to the Original Sources" (2022 Reisinger Lecture); "Redeeming Heirlooms and Finding Genealogical Artifacts Online" (2017 North Star Genealogical Conference)

Institute for Regional Studies (North Dakota State University), North Dakota State Archives, Bismarck, Red River Valley Genealogical Society Library (eastern ND & western MN)

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century


Certificate in Genealogical Research (Boston University), Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (National Institute for Genealogical Studies: American Records; German Records), Excelsior College Genetic Genealogy

Board for Certification of Genealogists (trustee & secretary); National Genealogical Society; Association for Professional Genealogists; North Dakota State Genealogical Society; South Dakota Genealogy Society; Minnesota Genealogical Society; New England Historic Genealogical Society; Maryland Genealogical Society; Connecticut Society of Genealogists; Utah Genealogical Association; Red River Valley Genealogical Society (eastern North Dakota & western Minnesota); Sons of the American Revolution; Swedish Colonial Society

Ph.D, M.A., M.Div., B.A.