Enrico Davini
- Family History Research
- Dual Citizenship
- Family History Research
- Immigration / Naturalization
My name is Enrico Davini: I'm Italian and live near Rome. I've a ph.D. on Chemical Sciences and authored papers and patents.
I searched genealogical records about my ancestry and, in general, about my surname starting from 2000. By using internet, I contacted by email Davini, in particular those living outside Italy, to found and share info about our surname. Some Davini reply me sending data, like names, places, photo and documents.
At the end of 2001, the first, free hosted, only textual web site is on line with a sister site for the documents and photo, to share the info progress with all the Davini in the world. I am also used Facebook: over 450 Davini joined my Facebook pages "Cognome Davini" e "Davini".
During these years, my greatest satisfaction was when I fit new piece of this puzzle: crossing the genealogy of with another, two "cousins" are now in contact or the Davini grandfather name is discovered.
All the data I now collected are in my site http://www.genealogiadavini.it , weekly updated. Today this site collected data about over 15.000 Davini in the world: may be only a name, a place but also all his history and, of course, genealogy.
I have over 7.500 individuals on my tree, on http://www.wikitree.com starting from Davino Davini b. abt. 1300 and almost all of the individual facts are supported by documents found in State or Church Archives. I'm connected with “cousins” emigrated in USA, Argentine, Brazil and Australia.
My research specialties are all Italian records, in particular old Italian archives. Tracing Italy to USA, South America, Australia emigrant routes, I connect many descendants with Italian origin with "cousin".
Part of my references are available on my web site. I have collaborated / collaborate with various genealogical service companies (Genealogy freelancers, RecordClick, Genlighten, Ancestor Cloud (now Trace), Myheritage, Ancestry Pro Genealogists, Italy Rooting consulting, Il genealogista). For some years, an important Italian-American law firm has entrusted me with genealogical research, for the request of dual citizenship or for inheritance, of American descendants of Italian emigrants.
In addition to the “classical” genealogical researches, I can offer also Village Photography, Cemetery researches, Photo restoration, Italian to English documents translation, Genealogical web site realization; finally, in collaboration with other, I can offer the realization of wood carved Coats of arms and the organization of a trip to found Italian roots.
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
- 17th Century
- 16th Century and Earlier
English, Italian, French
ph.D (Chemical Sciences)