
Dr Emily Coffman Richardson

Professional Genealogist

I became a professional genealogist in 2019 when I retired from the world of higher education, where I was a tenured faculty member and responsible for online education.  But genealogy was my upbringing, as my mother was a professional from 1960-1990's.  I received all of her work, and shared it with others using technology. I'm currently the president of the Texas State Genealogical Society beginning in 2025 for two years. So, I'm not accepting clients.  But if you need a document pull iin the DFW area of Texas, don't hesitate to reach out.

  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century

Texas State Genealogical Society, President
Robson Ranch Genealogy Club, Denton, Texas, programming chair

Ed.D. (Higher Education Administration)