
Eli Kirshner

Transforming your present through knowing your past

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • DNA
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Technology
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Heirlooms / Archivist
  • Oral Historian
ExploreStory researches the stories that tell the complicated truths of our past. I am especially passionate in supporting clients to better understand who they are, through learning where and who they've come from. Drop me a line by visiting my website -- I'd love to see if ExploreStory is the right option for you!

"Eli brought us closer to our great grandfather than we ever could have imagined, adding three dimensions to a character we had only know through a few old images. Eli's work blew us away." - Mark F., in Washington D.C.

"Eli conducted research on my paternal ancestors, tracing their lineages, material wealth, land holdings, and the people they had enslaved in southern Alabama. I'm grateful for his professionalism and his grace in relaying information to me that was initially shocking. He presented thorough technical narratives in addition to verbal presentations, and prepared the way for me to continue work on a memoir project. I recommend Eli for your research needs!" - Betty H., in NYC

"The most moving part of the whole process for me was seeing a picture of my grandfather for the first time, and being able to give my mom a picture of her father. He died when she was 5, and she hadn't seen a picture of him since she was around 10." - Candice R. in Ohio


Kirshner, Eli. "Race, Mines and Picket Lines: The 1925-1928 Western Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Strike." Undergraduate thesis, Oberlin College, 2020.

Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, PA; Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), Harrisburg, PA; McClung Collection, East Tennessee History Center, Knoxville, TN; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

English, Spanish (fluent)

B.A., History with Highest Honors, Oberlin College (2020)