Donna M. Moughty

Donna Moughty, a retired Professional Genealogist and former Regional Manager for Apple Computer, has been conducting family research for over 35 years. She has been a teacher and lecturer on a variety of subjects including Internet, Irish research and computer topics locally and at national conferences and institutes. Donna attended the National Institute for Genealogical Research at the National Archives, and the Third and Fourth Irish Genealogical Congress in Ireland, the Salt Lake Institute Irish Research and the Institute for Genealogical and Historical Research at Samford University where she was an instructor for the Irish course in 2011. She is a member of Association of Professional Genealogists and served as chair of the Professional Management Conference from 2005 - 2008, and the Genealogical Speakers Guild. For the past 12 years, Donna has taken groups to Ireland to research. Her genealogy blog can be found at
I am a retired professional genealogist currently working on my own family (after 30 years)! I am no longer taking clients.
Geographic Specialties
Speaking This was one of the best workshops I have ever attended. Ms. Moughty was engaging, thorough, well-organized, and knew her subject well. Her audiovisual presentation was terrific. I would recommend Ms. Moughty for any type of genealogy workshop. I loved her handout, it has a wealth of information... Donna is stellar! She is energetic and concise; it's a rare combination with genealogists. Love Donna's power point -- everything of importance is magnified and it really helps to involve/entertain the listener. Speaker a pleasure to listen to & learn from. She is knowledgeable & gives lecture in an easy manner. Research Trip I could never have navigated all these repositories in a week without the orientation and support you provided. It would have taken me several trips and far greater expense to find the documents and information I found in one week with you. This was a fabulous opportunity. Thank you for making it available to us. The trip was great from beginning to end and the attention that you gave to everyone's individual research throughout the week was beyond my expectations. You did not mention Helen Kelly above so I just have to say that I thought she was extrordinary. The passion and joy that she has for her work ( I hesitate to call it work) is so wonderful. Thanks for a fruitful and fun trip. Well done. I wouldn't have been able to to achieve the progress I made on my genealogy in those 6 days without the professional help and guidance Donna Moughty provided.
Quick Reference Guides on Irish Research
Association of Professional Genealogists Connecticut Professional Genealogists Council Genealogical Speakers Guild Florida State Genealogical Society New England Historic Genealogical Society TIARA
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