
Debra Williams Sorensen

Trainerdeb Consulting

*[regarding locating US soldier birth father for Vietnamese man] You played a PIVOTAL role with his search. You took the initiative, you cared, you devoted your time to make this a successful outcome...hats off to you" *First & foremost thank you so much for an amazing class, as I love your classes and learned a lot... *I learn so much from you. I wish that I had you available at the push of a button! *You are an amazing trainer ... You have a great energy and I enjoyed the class yesterday very much!

https://thepedalinggenealogist.blogspot.com/ OGS Journals Articles in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 OSMD Newsletters

*Genealogy and Adoptions *So I Took a DNA Test, Now What? *Introduction to Genealogy *Introduction to Ancestry.com *What's the Cloud & How Does it Apply to Genealogy? *Improve Your Skills in Working With Adult Learners *Finding My Two Brothers at Age 60 *Google Products for Genealogy *Excel for Genealogy *Word for Genealogy *PowerPoint for Genealogy *Genealogy Presentations That Work!

GSMD and OSMD (Mayflower, National and Oregon) DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) OGS (Oregon Genealogical Society) GFO (Genealogical Forum of Oregon) NGS APG

BS (Business Management) Additional coursework in education and technology