
Debbie Hadley

Solving pre-1850 brick wall problems for clients with roots in NJ, NY, and PA

  • Family History Research

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research

I research families residing in (or with ties to) the New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania area, and specialize in solving pre-1850 brick wall problems. The missing early censuses for New Jersey make documenting pre-1850 families particularly challenging. Inquiries from new clients typically begin with "My Smith ancestors all lived in Ohio, but in the 1850 census, my great grandpa John Smith said he was born in New Jersey."



New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and westward migrations of families from these areas

New Jersey State Archives (NJSA) - Record Retrievals

"Parents for Mary Ann (Marriner) Graves of New Jersey and Pennsylvania," National Genealogical Society Quarterly 110 (September 2022): 191-204.

New Jersey State Archives, New Jersey State Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Archives, and other area repositories 

  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century

ProGen 33
Genealogical Society of New Jersey
New Jersey Historical Society