
Cynthia Turk CG

  • Family History Research


Although not taking clients now, Cynthia is willing to share suggestions for Lake County, Ohio area. 

Geographic Specialties

OH, especially Lake County, Ohio and surrounding counties of Cuyahoga, Geauga, and Ashtabula.

Turk, Cynthia, project chair. History Hall of Lake County, Ohio Fairgrounds, A Biographical Anthology. Painesville, Ohio: Lake County Genealogical Society, 2014.
Turk, Cynthia. How to Plan a Library Research Trip .and Make it Really Special. Ohio Genealogy News, Bellville, Ohio, Winter 2012, 18-19.
Turk, Cynthia. Scranton Road Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio: Introduction, Inscriptions, Interments. Willoughby, Ohio: Cynthia Turk, 2004. (A few copies are left.)
Multiple local newsletter articles. Volunteer host of Lake County, Ohio GenWeb and co-host of Cuyahoga County, Ohio GenWeb.


ProGen 20

President Lake County Genealogical Society; Past President NorthEast Ohio Computer-Aided Genealogy Society; Ohio Genealogical Society; Lake County Historical Society; and lineage societies: First Families of Ohio, Civil War Families of Ohio, First Families of Lake County (Ohio), Cuyahoga County Lineage Groups.  

BSN (Nursing)