
Charlotte Hengel

Genetic Genealogist

  • DNA
  • Family History Research

  • DNA
  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research
  • Heraldry / Lineage Societies
  • Immigration / Naturalization
  • Military

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Investigative Genetic Genealogy

  • Document Translation
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Event / Reunion / Travel Planning
  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Heirlooms / Archivist
  • House Historian / Local History
  • Military Repatriation
  • Photograph Analysis
  • Handwriting / Palaeography

Charlotte Hengel is a Professional Genetic Genealogist and researcher with about 15 years of experience working on various research projects and cases. Her educational background in biomedical sciences and justice studies has given her a strong foundation in biological sciences, genetics, research, statistics, human rights, and justice. Charlotte's experience extends beyond traditional genealogy, encompassing genetics and cold case research.

Charlotte's commitment to professional development and ethical practice is evident in her participation in educational events like conventions, courses, and in various genealogy groups and societies.

Charlotte is a proud member of the following organizations:

  • Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and their Forensic/Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) Special Interest Group and Mentorship Program.
  • International Society of Genetic Genealogists (ISOGG)
  • National Genealogical Society (NGS)
  • Western New York Genealogical Society Inc. (WNYGS)

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier