
Carolyn Johnson Burns

Genealogist specializing in heir research and also military research
Family Tree Reflections

  • Family History Research

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research
  • Military

  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
As a genealogist and historian I provide services for clients who are researching personal genealogy and for companies pursuing heir research.  Although I am located in Dayton (Montgomery County), Ohio and my main focus is in the Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati region of Ohio, I have done extensive research all over the U.S. and in many other countries.

Heir research involving the extensive extraction of probate records and the creation of detailed family trees has enabled me to assist several local attorneys in identifying family members who were legally entitled to collect an inheritance.

In addition, I offer my genealogical services to the Dayton VA Medical Center, specializing in military and historical research regarding the National Military Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and Dayton National Cemetery. I serve as the Recording Secretary and Chairman of the Publicity and Products committees for the Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society. I am a member of several genealogical and historical societies.

My genealogical research on the life of Dr. Robert Adkins was included in the book titled Dr. Robert Atkins, The True Story of the Man Behind the War on Carbohydrates by author Lisa Rogak. Cemetery research I had done and cleaning of headstones, along with pictures of the completed project, were published in Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak's article, Quest for Obama's Irish Roots in her book titled Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing.  The request to provide research for the popular TV series, Who Do You Think You Are?, gave me the opportunity to work with Bryan Cranston and his family to locate his ancestor's military information and gravesite.

My own family history has been a joyful journey!  This particular story that I wrote is one I am especially proud of:

Let my passion and love of genealogy help you find your family!

Soldiers Home, Dayton Police History

I have compiled various histories and family trees, including private family genealogies such as: Branches of the Burns Family Tree (2001), The Walter Family from Germany and Ohio (2003), The Skinner-Felton Family Tree (2008), and My Life in Montgomery County, Ohio: A Biography of Frank William Johnson (2008).

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

  • National Genealogical Society
  • Ohio Genealogical Society
  • Montgomery County Chapter OGS
  • First Families of Ohio
  • Civil War Families of Ohio