
Bridget Carter

We love Genealogy! Research, Building Trees, Record Transcription & Translation (German).
Sapphire Consulting
Founder & Principal Consultant
Toronto, Ontario

  • Family History Research
  • Other Speciality

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research

  • Author/Writer
  • Editor

  • Document Translation
  • Forensic Research
What do you need help with?  
Building your family tree? Confirming or dispelling a family story? Finding a distant cousin? 

Family is important. Our family in the present day, our beloved parents; memories of revered grandparents; or even (for those lucky enough) great-grandparents. We want to preserve our memories and pass them down to the next generation. Researching and building a family tree touches us directly and deeply.   It is a project that requires time, dedication, interest, patience, and most importantly, accuracy

Any commercial genealogy site can and will help you build a basic tree, but you need to be wary of blindly accepting the "hints" they give you or of importing data from another person's tree. There is no guarantee it is correct (or even the same family).   Let us help you to research more in depth, to find the records that prove your theory, and ensure that your tree is as accurate as possible.

Our focus is on Germany, Denmark, Poland, UK, Canada and US. We also offer transcription and translation for German records and documents. 
We can write for you or help you to write to various archives in Germany for records not available online.
We can arrange to visit archives and other repositories in the GTHA (Greater Toronto/Hamilton) area.  


southern Denmark
Ontario, Canada

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier

a bit of Danish (read not spoken)

Working toward professional desgnation as a genealogist

Association of Professional Genealogists, member
APG Canada, member
Ontario Ancestors, member, Chair, HR Committee
AGoFF  (Arbeits Gemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familien Forscher e. V.), member


BA Sociology, York University
Certificate in Adult Education, Seneca College