
Brian W. Hutchison BComm., CPA CMA (ret.), FSA Scot.

International Forensic Genealogist with over 50 years of Experience With Complex Pedigrees
GEN-FIND Research Associates, Inc.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing
  • Other Speciality

  • DNA
  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Family History Research
  • Heraldry / Lineage Societies
  • Immigration / Naturalization

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Investigative Genetic Genealogy

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events

  • Author/Writer

  • Document Translation
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Mineral & Property Rights

As Chairman and C.E.O. of GEN-FIND Research Associates Inc., an international research & consulting company dealing with family history and forensic genealogy for a multitude of personal and corporate clients concerned with property issues. Mr. Hutchison is a professional forensic genealogist with an action-oriented focus of over fifty years of related experience. Familiar with extensive project & task management, Brian has a solid education history: a university graduate, professional accountant, postgraduate work in paralegal studies & Canadian history, genealogical certificate course-work (BYU) and a past Certified Genealogist with BCG.

Brian remains active as a lecturer, teacher, and author of numerous manuscripts. Brian travels extensively for clients and has worked in numerous provincial/state and regional repositories throughout Canada, England, Scotland, and Ireland. He also works frequently at the National Archives of Canada at Ottawa, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland in Belfast, the National Archives of Ireland at Dublin, the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh, and the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City.

As a specialist in genealogical research for Scotland, Ireland, and Canada his interests are primarily in these areas with particular emphasis on research methodologies for successful contemporary investigations on forensic & heir searches. He has consulted extensively on complex pedigree developments for personal and corporate clients. Author of a myriad of publications treatises on genealogical research issues, genealogical how-to manuals, tomes on established genealogical pedigrees - he is also past Irish Department Head for the National Institute for Genealogical Studies (now the International Institute of Genealogical Studies), formerly thru the University of Toronto.

Long-established in his fields of research, Brian has lectured extensively at many local/regional/international genealogical seminars & conferences and is a well-known Canadian philanthropist & advocate for genealogical, health, and wildlife causes. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and granted armorial bearings by the Chief Herald of Canada in 1994 and 2001 for his social contributions. To remain current on standards & practices, he is active with organizations such as the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, the Association of Professional Genealogists, and many other international genealogical bodies. He has been a long-time member of numerous genealogical societies worldwide and has served on many executive committees & board directorships over the past four decades.

Please consult GEN-FIND website for additional information on his company, their services and products, fees, along with details on geographic/regional/other specialties available thru this firm.

Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/about/our-company/ 

Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/ 

Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/online-store/ 

Fees, Hiring, and Reporting
Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/fees-hiring-reporting/professional-research-fees/ 

Geographic/Regional/Other Specialties
Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/fees-hiring-reporting/research-areas-served/ 

Australia, Canada, Caribbean (parts of), Central America (parts of), China & Hong Kong, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, United Kingdom, United States.  With the aid of our international subcontractors many more places are covered as noted -above in 'Researches In'.  Please refer to the GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/fees-hiring-reporting/research-areas-served/.

Also conducts work on other more specializerd areas of persons and property:  
  • Canadian Adoption Research
  • Aboriginal Research
  • Métis Research
  • Acadian Research
  • French-Canadian Research
  • Locating Lost or Missing Relatives
  • Probate or Estate Research
  • Lineage Society Application Research
  • Mineral Resource Ownership Research
  • Banking & Insurance Property Ownership Research
  • Genetic (DNA) Kin Reconstruction Genealogy
  • And More

Please consult the the GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/about/testimonials/ .

Lineage, charting, & other specialties (gen-find.com/fees-hiring-reporting/research-areas-served/)

Too many publications to mention. Please consult researcher directly for details.

Please consult GEN-FIND website - https://gen-find.com/fees-hiring-reporting/lecture-fees/. 

Please consult with the GEN-FIND website.

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century

English, Latin (some)

Heraldic arms (personal and corporate) by Canaidan Heraldic Authority

Certificate in British Research (Brigham Young University)

Alberta Family History Society (Calgary, AB)
Alberta Genealogical Society (Edmonton, AB)
Nanaimo Family History Society (Nanaimo, BC)
Ontario Genealogical Society (Toronto, ON)
and others

CPA CMA (Management Accounting), B.Comm. (Accounting and Finance)