Special Interest Groups

APG Special Interest Groups (SIGs) exist to support professional development and deepening of networks among APG members in a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology. SIGs are open to APG members only. They offer a forum for members with similar interests and challenges to interact with each other and develop a resource network, to share their experience and knowledge with like-minded professionals, and to further promote their area of interest within the larger genealogical community or to the public. Join a Special Interest Group today! 

Advocacy SIG

The Advocacy Special Interest Group supports APG members interested in advocacy issues impacting equitable access to and preservation of historical records. The SIG also seeks to engage and inspire its members to champion the same goals in their local markets. The majority of SIG business is conducted via email, where members can share issues and advice.

Meetings: Two to four times per year. All programs and meetings conducted in English. 

Dues: None 

Contact: advocacy@apgen.org

El SIG en Español

El SIG en Español brinda apoyo y educación a los miembros de APG en español. El SIG en Español se reúne al menos trimestralmente durante todo el año.

The SIG en Español provides support and education to APG members in Spanish. 

Meetings: At least quarterly. All meetings conducted in Spanish. 

Dues: None

Contact: jtaylor@legacytree.com

Forensic Genealogy SIG

The Forensic Genealogy Special Interest Group provides education, collaboration, networking, and support for those engaged in forensic genealogy business pursuits. The SIG also helps promote awareness of activities and/or laws which may affect genealogical and historical research. 

Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. All programs and meetings conducted in English.

Dues: US $20 per year

Contact: apgforensic@gmail.com

Jewish Research SIG

The Jewish Research SIG provides education and support to members who have an interest in discovering, uncovering and isolating records that pertain to those of Jewish ethnicity.

Meetings: The Jewish Research SIG meets as needed, at least twice per year, via Zoom. The scheduled meeting times will vary to accommodate participation from members globally.

Dues: None

Contact: Suzanne Hoffman

Writers SIG

The Writers Special Interest Group provides education and support to authors, editors of genealogical publications, freelance writers and editors, publishers, and others who have an interest in any aspect of genealogical writing.

Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. All meetings conducted in English. 

Dues: US $20 per year

Contact: apgwriters@gmail.com