Urgent Member Action Needed: Protect Access to Indiana Vital Records

19 March 2025

Earlier this year, we informed you about a threat to vital records access in New York State, and thanks to so many of you sharing your concerns, we are now working with legislators to ensure continued access to these records.

We have learned of a similar legislative threat in Indiana that, if passed, would make Indiana one of the most restrictive states in the nation regarding historical birth records. House Bill 1148 (full text) just passed and it is now headed for the state Senate for consideration. The bill modifies the State’s public records law to expand the restriction on birth certificate access from 75 years to 99 years. See page 10 of the bill for the full text of the proposal.

For decades, the 75-year threshold has balanced privacy concerns with the public’s right to access historical records. Arbitrarily extending the wait to 99 years serves no clear purpose other than restricting access to our collective history. This same legislative effort was attempted in early 2024 (HB 1365) but failed in committee. Now, it has returned.

Our livelihoods depend on being able to obtain documentation like this. Together, we can fight to keep these records accessible.

What you can do:  If you would like to be more involved in APG's advocacy or have any questions about how to be involved with this issue, please contact advocacy@apgen.org.