APG Launches New Jewish Research Special Interest Group Ahead of 2024 IAJGS Conference

16 August 2024

APG is pleased to announce the launch of our newest Special Interest Group for members, the Jewish Research SIG, providing education and support to members who have an interest in discovering, uncovering, and isolating records that pertain to those of Jewish ethnicity. 

The APG Jewish Research SIG will direct discussions and engage in activities that prioritize the preservation needs of Jewish historical records while advocating for their equitable accessibility. It also hopes to engage and inspire its members to champion the same goals within their local communities and Jewish genealogical societies.
Any current member of APG may join the Jewish Research SIG by emailing the group’s Membership Chair Suzanne Hoffman or by checking the box in your APG member profile. There is no cost to join this SIG. The Jewish Research SIG convenes as needed and conducts its sessions in English; the scheduled meeting times will vary to accommodate participation across different time zones. 

APG will be discussing the new Jewish Research SIG with existing and prospective APG members at the upcoming International Association of Jewish Genealogical Society Conference in Philadelphia, 18-22 August 2024. Be sure to stop by our table in the exhibitor hall to say hello and to learn more. 

Interested in joining other APG Special Interest Groups? In addition to the Jewish Research SIG, members can join groups dedicated to Advocacy, El SIG En Español, Forensic Genealogy, and Writers. Learn more about these groups at https://www.apgen.org/special_interest_groups.php