Heartland Chapter

Heartland Chapter Logo

Chapter Information

The APG Heartland Chapter was organized in 2001 to promote the objectives of the Association of Professional Genealogists and to provide networking and educational opportunities for its members. Our members reside throughout the heartland states of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska.

The Heartland Chapter is the 2019 recipient of the Golden Chapter Award "for assisting with the 2018 APG Professional Management Conference" held in Kansas City. The Heartland Chapter previously received the Golden Chapter Award in 2008 and 2011. In 2017, the chapter received the Golden Chapter Award Honorable Mention award "for utilizing a mix of informal meetings, programs, and virtual offerings resulting in several new members."

Chapter Officers 2023-2024

Chapter Representative/President: Heather Jenkins
Secretary: Julie Crain Miguel
Treasurer: Lauri Jean Swett
Program Chair: Cynthia Patton

Activities and Meetings

The Heartland Chapter meets the third Saturday in January, April, July, and October. Visitors are welcomed.

Upcoming Quarterly Meetings

Saturday, July 20, 2024, 10am (onsite)
Saturday, Oct 19, 2024, 10am (onsite)

Upcoming Discussion Groups
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 7pm
Thursday, Aug 1, 2024, 7pm
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 7pm
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 7pm
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 7pm
Thursday, Dec 5, 2024, 7pm

In addition to quarterly meetings, activities of the Heartland Chapter include:

  • Field trips
  • Online discussions and study groups
  • Access to the chapter's communication group
  • Informal lunch meetings
  • Booths at genealogical events


Membership in the Heartland Chapter of APG is open to anyone who is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and willing to support the APG Code of Ethics.

Chapter dues are $10.00 per calendar year, due January 1st for inclusion on the chapter brochure. For more information, please contact our Chapter Representative / President at APGHeartland@gmail.com

Member Profiles

Many of our members accept new clients for research, speak to genealogical audiences, and/or write for genealogical publications.

  • Gina Boucher
  • Rebecca Christensen
  • Laura Hardman
  • Katherine Huffman
  • Heather Jenkins
  • Ricki King
  • Margaret Kline
  • John Manning
  • Julie Crain Miguel
  • Cynthia Patton
  • Susan Schlichting
  • Lauri Jean Swett
  • Juli Whittaker