Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

APG Non-Discrimination Statement

APG is committed to fostering an inclusive community in which all participants are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of (but not limited to) ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex, gender, marital status, disability, age, religion, socioeconomic status, nationality, or political affiliation.

APG Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

APG has a dedicated DEI committee whose focus is to ensure APG serves all professional genealogists regardless of age, national origin, gender identity, disability, race, or color. In addition, this Committee will help to inform and educate members and committees regarding best practices related to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Anti-Racism & DEI Resources

The resources below have been shared with APG by DEI speakers. As per APG's Policy Manual, the mention of a publication or product in a reference list or bibliography does not indicate any endorsement by APG. If you have resources you would like to share on this page, email us.  


  • Alexander, Michelle. The Next Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of the Colorblindness, (The New Press, 2010).
  • Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).
  • DiAngelo, Robin. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. (Penguin Random House, 2018).
  • Hannah-Jones, Nikole. The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story (One World, 2021).
  • Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be an Antiracist (One World, 2019).
  • McGee, Heather. The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. (One World, 2021).