Benefits of APG Membership

Feeling a connection to the greater genealogy community can be inspiring and motivating. APG has more than 2,000 members in more than 40 countries, with all levels of experience and diverse backgrounds. As an APG member, you join a welcoming and inclusive network of individuals who are passionate about the genealogical profession.

Benefits include:

  • Your profile listing in the APG Directory, a publicly available and searchable database that can be used by clients to find your services;
  • Use of the APG member logo on your website, business cards, and other promotional materials;
  • Eligibility to join one or more of our chapters and special interest groups, networking with professionals in your areas of speciality;
  • Online message boards with topics relevant to your business needs;
  • Sample marketing materials for use in your business;
  • Access to sample contracts, forms, and reports;
  • Discounts on various products and services provided by other organizations to our members;
  • Advocacy efforts on behalf of members and the public, to support equitable access to and preservation of historical records;
  • APG Quarterly, our magazine featuring articles relevant to professionals within the genealogy community, as well as those interested in going pro. Includes access to more than forty years of back issues;
  • Monthly APG eNews, connecting members with timely information about relevant issues and recent trends in the world of professional genealogy;
  • Professional development webinars (both live via Zoom and recordings available for members only anytime in our online learning library);
  • Discounted registration fee for the APG Professional Management Conference
  • Eligibility to vote in our annual election.


All members must agree to adhere to our Code of Ethics and Professional Practices, plus complete and report twelve hours of continuing education activities each year.