APG Fellowship


The APG Fellowship is a funded, short-term opportunity for a professional genealogist to undertake a program focused on professional, academic and/or personal development related to their genealogical practice. The APG Fellowship MUST be undertaken outside of the country of legal residence.


The Fellowship program is designed to:

  • Provide opportunities for cultural immersion, expanding both professional and personal networks, experiential learning, and professional development.
  • Support professional genealogists with demonstrated capacity for high-quality research and leadership.
  • Promote APG as an organisation of international scope that values contributions developed abroad.
  • Demonstrate APG’s commitment to the growth and expansion of members’ experience, knowledge, and professional potential.

Guidelines and Criteria

Please read the Fellowship Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria before completing the application form.


Every application will be assessed based on merit; a demonstrated need for the proposed program; resulting contribution of new, unique knowledge of value to the genealogical community; and a willingness to share the overseas findings and knowledge with that community. Applications should not be written with AI. Applicants must be members of APG for three consecutive years. 


$2,500 USD (or total qualifying expenses, if less than $2,500); payment to be made upon completion of post-travel requirements (see Timeline).


Application and Acceptance

1.    Applications must be received by 31 January 2025; incomplete applications will not be considered.
2.    Verification of the membership requirement will be performed by the APG Executive Director.
3.    Applications will then be reviewed by members of the APG International Affairs Committee.
4.    The awardee selected through IAC review will be recommended to the APG Executive Committee for final approval.
5.    Upon EC approval, the awardee will be notified, and public announcements made.

After conclusion of travel

6.    Awardee will provide receipts for fellowship related expenses that meet APG guidelines for reimbursement. If receipts total less than $2,500 USD, only that amount will be reimbursed.
7.    Awardees must provide a written report and documentation of their findings to the Fellowship Committee within two months of their return home.
8.    Within three months of returning home, awardees will supply a presentation about their experience and findings to the APG Professional Development Committee for their consideration.
9.    The project, including reports, must be completed within 18 months of acceptance, not from the date of departure. Deadline for publication of the APG Quarterly article will be determined by the magazine’s editor and may, if deemed necessary by the editor, fall outside the 18-month period.

Email your completed application to the APG Executive Director at: admin@apgen.org.

Eligibility Criteria

The successful applicant must:

  • Have been a member of APG for at least three consecutive years (membership status will be verified).
  • Agree to physically undertake the Fellowship Program outside of their current country of residence.
  • Provide a presentation for use by the APG Professional Development Committee about the program and its benefit to the genealogy community, and/or
  • Provide a report on the Fellowship outcomes, suitable for publication in the APG Quarterly.


  • One entry per person, per year.
  • One award annually, but not necessarily every year.
  • Non-transferable.
  • APG Board members, contractors, and members of the application review committee are not eligible to apply during their term.
  • Extensions only granted for emergencies, reviewed on a case-by case basis.


APG Fellowship 2025 Application

APG Fellowship 2025 Information