Advocacy at APG

APG’s advocacy efforts support equitable access to and preservation of historical records on behalf of our members, the genealogy community, and the public. 

Questions or concerns about advocacy? Contact

Recording: Saving A Nation’s Stories: The US National Archives and Why Advocacy Matters

View the 2 March 2025 panel discussion featuring Rebecca Koford, Director of the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed), Renée K. Carl and Rich Venezia, members of APG’s Advocacy Committee. The panel discussed the importance of NARA in our profession, how congressional appropriations impact its operations, and why our advocacy for continued funding is essential. Learn how you can effectively engage with legislators to support archival access. Recording available for a limited time.

For more information, visit

This presentation was underwritten by Civil War Records


Advocacy Committee and Special Interest Group

  • The APG Advocacy Committee, a standing APG Board committee, promotes members' awareness of laws and activities which may affect genealogical and historical research and engages in activities to improve access to records.

  • The APG Advocacy SIG provides a place for members to bring new advocacy issues and concerns, expanding our reach into more jurisdictions.


APG is a supporter of the Records Preservation and Access Coalition (RPAC), sponsored by the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies and the National Genealogical Society, the Board for Certification of Genealogists, the American Society of Genealogists, and the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists. For more information, visit