
Prof. Maria Teresa Diez Martin

Genealogy-History. Spanish, Latin American
HistoGenealogia / Professional genealogy-history
Bachelor in History, Senior Archive Technician,Professional Genealogist
+34 675615236

  • Family History Research
  • Other Speciality

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Family History Research
  • Heraldry / Lineage Societies
  • Immigration / Naturalization
  • Military
I m a BA in Geography and History, specialized in Early Modern History. I have a Diploma of Profound Studies in Colonial American History. I m expert in palaeography. I have extensive professional experience in historical and genealogical advice and research, nobility accreditations, research of sephardic origin, nationalities by Law on Democratic Memory, Paleographic Transcripts.  Coordinated work with a group of specialists in various areas of historical and genealogical research. I live in Valladolid (Castile Leon, Spain).
Soy licenciada en Geografia e Historia, con especialidad en Historia Moderna y acreditacion investigadora, DEA, en Historia de America colonial. Experta en paleografia. Tengo amplia experiencia profesional en asesoria e investigacion historica y genealogica, acreditaciones de hidalguia, investigaciones de origen sefardí, nacionalidades por Ley de Memoria Democrática, transcripciones paleograficas de manuscritos. Trabajo coordinada con un grupo de especialistas en diversas areas de la investigación histórica y genealógica. Vivo en Valladolid (Castilla Leon, España)

Sephardic origins; Spanish grandparents, Democratic Memory Law

Online publications, Advanced History Fronts / FAH = http: //frentesavanzadosdelahistoria.com / HistoGenealogia = http: //histogenealogia.com/revista/ Publicaciones en linea, Frentes Avanzados de la Historia/FAH=http://frentesavanzadosdelahistoria.com / HistoGenealogia=http://histogenealogia.com/revista/

Investigations: Sephardic origin, nationality, Spanish and Portuguese Research resolved: Alarcón, Alemán, Almonte, Alonso de Ávila, Álvarez de Toledo, Arias Montano, Bartolomé y Diego Romero, Belmonte, Bienveniste, Caballero, Carvajal, Cepeda, Chiriboga, Chirino, Coronel, Cuevas, Espinosa, Fernández de Varela, Francisco de Villagra, Gallinato, García de Cáceres, García de Vergara, Gómez Robledo, González de la Plazuela, Gonzalo Cazalla Tello, Lindo, Llerena, Mármol, Merchante, Núñez de la Peña, Núñez de Toledo, Olivos, Pacheco, Ramírez de Arellano, Rosales, Sánchez de Sevilla, Torre.

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier

  Spanish/ Basic level: English, French, Portuguese

CURRICULUM:  http://frentesavanzadosdelahistoria.com/la-editora/

Degree in Geography and History, postgraduate in early modern historical research, expert in paleography, senior archival technician / Licenciada en Historia, Diplomada en investigación histórica (Doctorado, DEA), Diplomada en Paleografia

Degree in Geography and History, postgraduate in early modern historical research, expert in paleography, senior archival technician, professional genealogist.
Mª Teresa Díez is the head of a multidisciplinary research team: HistoGenealogia
Licenciada en Historia, Diplomada en investigación histórica (Doctorado, DEA), Diplomada en Paleografia. Mª Teresa Díez dirige un equipo de investigación multidisciplinar en HistoGenealogía